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Monday 21 March 2011

P-51 Mustang

P-51 Mustang
P-51 Mustang dari Skuadron Fighter 375 , 361 Fighter Group , musim panas 1944. Pesawat kedua dari kamera memiliki sirip punggung baru-baru ini diperkenalkan.
Peran Pejuang
Nasional asal Amerika Serikat
Produsen Amerika Utara Penerbangan
Pertama terbang 26 Oktober 1940
Pengantar 1942
Status Pensiun dari dinas militer tahun 1984, masih digunakan sipil
Primer pengguna Pasukan Amerika Serikat Udara
Royal Air Force , banyak orang lain (lihat di bawah)
Nomor dibangun 16,766
Unit biaya US $ 50.985 pada tahun 1945 [1] ($ 622.225 dalam nilai saat ini)
Varian Amerika Utara A-36
Amerika Utara Mustang Mk.X
Cavalier Mustang
Berkembang menjadi F-82 Twin Mustang
Piper PA-48 Enforcer
The North American  P-51 Mustang adalah rentang Amerika panjang satu kursi Perang Dunia II pesawat tempur . Dirancang dan dibangun hanya dalam 117 hari untuk sebuah spesifikasi yang dikeluarkan untuk NAA oleh Komisi Pembelian Inggris , Mustang pertama terbang di Royal Air Force (RAF) layanan sebagai seorang pembom-tempur dan pesawat pengintai sebelum konversi ke mengawal pembom, yang digunakan dalam serangan atas Jerman , membantu memastikan Sekutu keunggulan udara dari 1944 awal. [2] P-51 adalah dalam pelayanan dengan Sekutu angkatan udara di Eropa dan juga melihat layanan terbatas melawan Jepang dalam Perang Pasifik . Pada awal Perang Korea Mustang adalah PBB tempur utama 'tetapi peran dengan cepat ditanggung oleh jet tempur, termasuk F-86 , setelah itu Mustang menjadi serangan darat khusus-tempur-pembom. Meskipun yang digantikan oleh jet tempur Mustang tetap dalam pelayanan dengan beberapa angkatan udara sampai awal 1980-an.
Selain menjadi ekonomis untuk memproduksi, Mustang adalah cepat, dibuat dengan baik, dan sangat pesawat tahan lama. Versi definitif, P-51D, ini didukung oleh Packard V-1650 , dua-tahap dua-kecepatan supercharged versi legendaris Rolls-Royce Merlin mesin, dan dipersenjatai dengan enam .50 kaliber (12,7 mm) M2 Browning senapan mesin .
Setelah Perang Dunia II dan Perang Korea, mustangs banyak yang dikonversi untuk penggunaan sipil, khususnya balap udara . Mustang reputasi adalah seperti itu, pada tahun 1960 pertengahan, Ford Motor Company Designer 's John Najjar mengusulkan berorientasi coupe mobil pemuda baru diberi nama setelah pesawat tempur. [nb 1]



[ sunting ] Desain dan pembangunan

[ sunting ] Kejadian

XP-51 41-039
Pada bulan April 1938, tak lama setelah Jerman Anschluss dari Austria , pemerintah Inggris membentuk komisi pembelian di Amerika Serikat, dipimpin oleh Sir Self Henry . [3] Self diberikan tanggung jawab keseluruhan untuk Royal Air Force (RAF) produksi dan penelitian dan pengembangan , dan juga disajikan dengan Sir Wilfrid Freeman , yang "Udara Anggota untuk Pengembangan dan Produksi". Self juga duduk di komite Udara British Council Sub-on Supply (atau "Supply Komite") dan salah satu dari sekian banyak tugas adalah untuk mengatur pembuatan dan penyediaan pesawat tempur Amerika untuk RAF. Pada saat itu, pilihan itu sangat terbatas karena tidak ada pesawat terbang AS telah memenuhi standar Eropa, dengan hanya 40 Curtiss Tomahawk P- dekat mendatang. The Curtiss-Wright tanaman berjalan dengan kapasitas, sehingga bahkan P-40-an berada di pasokan pendek. [4]
Amerika Utara Penerbangan (NAA) sudah memasok mereka Harvard pelatih RAF, namun sebaliknya kurang dimanfaatkan. AAN Presiden "Belanda" Kindelberger mendekati Self untuk menjual baru pembom menengah , yang B-25 Mitchell . Sebaliknya, Self bertanya apakah NAA bisa memproduksi Tomahawk di bawah lisensi dari Curtiss.
Kindelberger kata AAN bisa memiliki pesawat yang lebih baik dengan mesin yang sama di udara dalam waktu kurang dari yang dibutuhkan untuk mendirikan sebuah jalur produksi untuk-P 40. Komisi ditetapkan persenjataan empat 0,303 di (7,7 mm) senjata mesin, Allison V-1710 -pendingin mesin cair, unit biaya tidak lebih dari $ 40.000, dan pengiriman pesawat produksi pertama pada Januari 1941. [5] Pada Maret 1940, 320 pesawat diperintahkan oleh Sir Wilfred Freeman yang menjadi kepala eksekutif Departemen Pesawat Produksi (MAP), dan kontrak itu diundangkan pada 24 April. [6]
Desain, yang dikenal sebagai-NA 73X, mengikuti konvensional praktek terbaik di masanya, tetapi termasuk dua fitur baru. Salah satunya adalah baru NACA -dirancang laminar aliran sayap, yang dikaitkan dengan drag rendah sangat di kecepatan tinggi. [7] [8] Yang lainnya adalah desain radiator baru yang mengeksploitasi " Meredith Efek ", di mana udara panas keluar radiator sebagai bentuk dorong jet . AAN karena kekurangan terowongan angin yang cocok, itu menggunakan GALCIT 10 ft (3,0 m) terowongan angin di Caltech . Hal ini menyebabkan beberapa kontroversi [ klarifikasi diperlukan ] atas apakah Mustang pendingin sistem aerodinamika dikembangkan oleh AAN's insinyur Edgar Schmued atau oleh Curtiss, meskipun NAA telah membeli set lengkap P-40 dan 46 XP- data terowongan angin dan uji laporan penerbangan untuk US $ 56.000. [9]
NA prototipe-73X telah diluncurkan pada awal bulan Agustus dan pertama kali terbang pada tanggal 26 1940, Oktober [6] masing-masing hanya 117 dan 178 hari setelah pesanan telah ditempatkan, sebuah kehamilan jangka pendek luar biasa. Prototipe ditangani dengan baik dan pengaturan internal diakomodasi viral bahan bakar yang mengesankan. pesawat dua The-bagian, semi- monocoque pesawat dibangun seluruhnya dari aluminium untuk menghemat berat. Ia bersenjata dengan empat .30 in (7,62 mm) senjata mesin Browning M1919 di sayap dan empat .50 in (12.7 mm) senjata mesin Browning M2 , dua di sayap dan dua dipasang di bawah mesin dan menembak melalui baling-baling menggunakan busur pistol gigi sinkronisasi .
Sementara Amerika Serikat Army Air Corps (USAAC) bisa memblokir setiap penjualan yang dianggap merugikan kepentingan Amerika Serikat, 73-NA dianggap kasus khusus karena telah dirancang atas prakarsa Inggris. Pada bulan September 1940 300 lanjut NA-73s diperintahkan oleh MAP. [5] Untuk memastikan tidak terganggu pengiriman Kolonel Oliver P. Echols diatur dengan Prancis Pembelian Komisi-Anglo untuk memberikan pesawat terbang, dan NAA berbakat dua contoh ke USAAC untuk evaluasi. [10]

[ sunting ]-bermesin Allison mustangs

[ sunting ] Mustang Mk I/P-51/P-51A

Sebuah Mustang Aku di dalam kamuflase Inggris dan tanda-tanda Amerika pada uji terbang dari , California Inglewood pabrik pada bulan Oktober 1942.
Itu cepat jelas bahwa kinerja Mustang, meskipun luar biasa sampai dengan 15.000 kaki (4.600 m), adalah nyata berkurang pada ketinggian yang lebih tinggi. Kecepatan-tunggal, single-stage supercharger dipasang pada V Allison-1710 mesin telah dirancang untuk menghasilkan tenaga maksimum pada ketinggian rendah. Di atas 15.000 kaki, peringkat ketinggian kritis supercharger, kekuasaan diturunkan cepat. Sebelum proyek Mustang, yang USAAC telah Allison berkonsentrasi terutama pada turbocharger dalam konser dengan General Electric , sedangkan turbocharger terbukti dapat diandalkan dan mampu memberikan peningkatan kekuatan yang signifikan dalam P-38 Lightning dan pesawat ketinggian tinggi lainnya, khususnya di Air Corps empat-mesin pembom. Sebagian besar kegunaan lain untuk Allison adalah untuk desain ketinggian rendah, dimana supercharger sederhana akan cukup. Fitting a turbocharger ke Mustang terbukti tidak praktis, dan Allison terpaksa menggunakan supercharger satunya yang tersedia. Meskipun demikian,'s maju aerodinamis Mustang menunjukkan untuk keuntungan, sebagai Mk Mustang saya sekitar 30 mph (48 km / jam) lebih cepat daripada kontemporer P Curtiss-40 pejuang menggunakan mesin yang sama (V-1710-39 menghasilkan 1.220 hp (910 kW) pada 10.500 kaki (3.200 m), mengendarai 10 ft 6 in (3.20 m) diameter, tiga pisau Curtiss-Electric baling-baling). [11] Mk Mustang aku 30 mph (48 km / jam) lebih cepat dari Spitfire Mk VC pada 5.000 kaki (1.500 m) dan 35 mph (56 km / jam) lebih cepat pada 15.000 kaki (4.600 m), meskipun pesawat Inggris mesin lebih kuat. [12]
Kontrak produksi pertama telah diberikan oleh Inggris untuk 320 pejuang NA-73, bernama Mustang Mk I oleh anggota anonim dari Inggris Pembelian Komisi; kontrak Inggris kedua segera diikuti, yang disebut untuk 300 lebih (NA-83) Mustang Mk I pejuang. pengaturan kontrak juga dilakukan untuk dua pesawat dari urutan pertama akan dikirimkan kepada USAAC untuk evaluasi; kedua airframes, masing-masing 41-038 dan 41-039, yang ditunjuk XP-51. [13] RAF Mustang Mk Apakah pertama adalah dikirim ke 2 Skuadron dan membuat debut memerangi mereka pada tanggal 10 Mei 1942. Dengan jangka panjang dan kinerja ketinggian rendah yang sangat baik, mereka bekerja efektif untuk pengintaian taktis dan tugas-serangan darat selama Selat Inggris , tetapi dianggap kurang bernilai sebagai pejuang karena kinerja yang buruk mereka di atas 15.000 kaki (4.600 m) .

P-51 Mustang pada uji terbang, Oktober 1942; ini pesawat tertentu (? 41-37416) mungkin telah dialokasikan untuk RAF sebagai 1A Mustang.
Urutan Amerika pertama untuk 150 P-51s, ditunjuk NA-91 oleh Amerika Utara, ditempatkan oleh Angkatan Darat pada tanggal 7 Juli 1940. [14] Dua XP-51s (41-038 dan 41-039) disisihkan untuk pengujian tiba di Wright Field pada 24 Agustus dan 16 Desember 1941 masing-masing. [nb 2] The ukuran kecil relatif dari order pertama tercermin kenyataan bahwa USAAC masih kekurangan dana damai kecil organisasi, relatif. Setelah serangan terhadap Pearl Harbor prioritas harus diberikan kepada bangunan sebagai banyak dari pejuang yang ada - P-38s, P-39s dan P-40 - mungkin sekaligus pelatihan pilot dan personil lainnya, yang berarti bahwa evaluasi XP -51s tidak segera dilaksanakan. Namun, ini tidak berarti bahwa XP-51s diabaikan, atau pengujian dan evaluasi kesalahan penanganan. [15] The 150 NA-91s yang memenuhi P-51 oleh USAAF yang baru terbentuk dan pada awalnya bernama Apache, walaupun hal ini segera menjatuhkan , dan nama RAF, Mustang, diadopsi sebagai gantinya. The USAAF tidak menyukai persenjataan campuran Mustang Inggris Is dan bukannya mengadopsi persenjataan empat laras panjang 20 mm (0,79 in) Hispano Mk II meriam, dan dihapus mesin penutup mesin dr baja kal .50 dipasang senjata. Yang ditunjuk Inggris model ini sebagai Mustang Mk IA. Sejumlah pesawat dari banyak ini keluar dilengkapi oleh USAAF sebagai-pengintai pesawat F-6A foto. Inggris akan cocok sejumlah Mustang Mrk Apakah dengan peralatan serupa. [16]
Bahkan sebelum dua 51s XP-tiba di Wright, dan jauh sebelum serangan terhadap Pearl Harbor , dua P-51s (di 93 dan 102 dari jalur produksi) dari pesanan ini dijadwalkan akan dipasang dan diuji dengan Packard Merlin mesin, menerima penunjukan XP-51B. [17]
Pada tanggal 23 Juni 1942, kontrak ditempatkan untuk 1.200 P-51As (NA-99s), kemudian dikurangi menjadi 310 pesawat. P-51A menggunakan Allison baru V-1710-81 mesin, pengembangan-V 1710-39, mengendarai 10 ft 9 in (3.28 m) baling-baling Curtiss-Electric berdiameter tiga-berbilah. persenjataan itu berubah menjadi empat sayap-mount .50 in (12.7 mm) senapan mesin Browning, dua di sayap masing-masing, dengan maksimum 350 putaran per pistol (rpg) untuk senjata dlm kapal dan 280 rpg untuk tempel. Perbaikan lain dilakukan secara paralel dengan A,-36 termasuk inlet, saluran udara tetap ditingkatkan menggantikan pemasangan bergerak model Mustang sebelumnya dan pemasangan rak sayap mampu membawa baik 75 atau 150 US gal (284 atau 568 l) drop tank, meningkatkan jangkauan feri maksimum 2.740 mi (4.410 km) dengan 150 gal (568 l) tank. Kecepatan puncak dinaikkan menjadi 409 mph (658 km / jam) pada 10.000 kaki (3.000 m). Sebanyak 50 pesawat dikirim ke Inggris, menjabat sebagai Mustang Mk IIs di RAF. [18]

[ sunting ] A-36 Apache / Invader

Pada tanggal 16 April 1942, Fighter Project Officer Benyamin S. Kelsey memerintahkan 500 A-36 Apache, desain ulang yang mencakup enam .50 in (12.7 mm) M2 Browning senapan mesin , rem menyelam, dan kemampuan untuk membawa dua £ 500 (230 kg ) bom. Kelsey lebih suka membeli pejuang lebih tetapi sebaliknya bersedia untuk memulai tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari Mustang produksi di Amerika Utara dengan menggunakan dana USAAC diperuntukkan untuk-serangan pesawat tanah. [10]
500 yang memenuhi A-36a (NA-97). Model ini menjadi USAAF Mustang pertama untuk melihat pertempuran. Satu pesawat diserahkan ke Inggris yang memberinya nama Mustang Mk I (Dive Bomber).

[ sunting ]-bermesin mustangs Merlin

[ sunting ] P-51B dan P-51C

P-51B ditugaskan ke FG 23, AF 14 di Cina.
Pada bulan April 1942, RAF 's Air Fighting Unit Pengembangan (AFDU) menguji Mustang dan menemukan kinerjanya tidak memadai pada ketinggian yang lebih tinggi. Dengan demikian, ini akan digunakan untuk menggantikan Angkatan Darat Tomahawk di skuadron Kerjasama Komando, tetapi komandan sangat terkesan dengan manuver-ketinggian dan kecepatan rendah bahwa ia mengundang Ronnie Harker dari Rolls-Royce 's Penerbangan pendirian Test untuk terbang . Rolls-Royce insinyur cepat menyadari bahwa melengkapi Mustang dengan mesin 61 Merlin dengan supercharger yang dua-dua-tahap kecepatan secara substansial akan meningkatkan kinerja dan mulai mengkonversi lima pesawat sebagai Mustang Mk X . Selain dari instalasi mesin, yang dimanfaatkan custom-built mesin pembawa dirancang oleh Rolls-Royce dan standar 10 ft 9 in (3.28 m) diameter, empat-berbilah Rotol baling-baling dari Spitfire Mk IX , [19] Mustang Mk X adalah adaptasi langsung dari Mustang Mk I badan pesawat, menjaga desain saluran yang sama radiator. Wakil Kepala Staf Udara, Marsekal Sir Wilfrid R. Freeman , melobi habis-habisan untuk bertenaga mustangs Merlin, menegaskan dua dari lima eksperimental Mustang Mk Xs diserahkan kepada Carl Spaatz untuk uji dan evaluasi oleh US Air Force 8 di Inggris. [20] Ketinggian peningkatan kinerja-tinggi yang luar biasa: Mustang Mk X ( nomor seri AM208) mencapai 433 mph (697 km / jam) pada 22.000 kaki (6.700 m), dan AL975 diuji pada langit-langit absolut 40.600 ft (12.400 m). [21]

Mustang Mk X AM203.
Dua-51B prototipe XP [nb 3] diadaptasi dari P-51 airframes, ini adalah konversi menyeluruh lebih dari X Mustang, dengan membuat mesin instalasi-penjahit dan desain ulang lengkap dari saluran radiator. Badan pesawat itu sendiri diperkuat, dengan pesawat dan mesin dikawasan Gunung menerima pembentuk lebih karena berat yang lebih besar dari Packard V-1650-3 £ 1690, (770 kg), dibandingkan dengan V-1710's £ 1335 Allison (606 kg) . Penutup mesin dr baja mesin ini benar-benar didesain ulang ke rumah Merlin Packard, yang, karena radiator intercooler terpasang pada casing supercharger, adalah 5 di (130 mm) lebih tinggi dan menggunakan updraught sistem induksi , daripada downdraught karburator dari Allison. [ 23] Mesin yang baru mengendarai berbilah 11 ft-empat 2 in (3,40 m) diameter Hamilton Standard propeller yang menampilkan manset karet keras dibentuk. [24] Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pendinginan meningkatnya Merlin saluran pesawat baru dirancang. Hal ini lebih besar radiator ditempatkan, yang tergabung bagian untuk pendingin supercharger, dan, maju dari ini dan sedikit lebih rendah, sebuah pendingin minyak ditempatkan di sebuah saluran sekunder yang menarik udara melalui lubang utama dan kelelahan melalui flap keluar terpisah. [25 ]
Diputuskan bahwa persenjataan dari P baru-51B (NA-102) secara permanen menghilangkan hidung sebelumnya dipasang senapan mesin yang digunakan pada versi sebelumnya-51 P, dan hanya empat sayap-mount .50 in (12.7 mm) M2 / AN senapan mesin Browning (dengan 350 rpg untuk senjata dlm kapal dan 280 rpg untuk tempel) dari P-51A akan digunakan untuk persenjataan pistol nya. Rak bom / drop instalasi tangki eksternal, diadaptasi dari versi serangan A-36 Apache, juga akan digunakan; rak diperingkat untuk bisa membawa hingga 500 lb (230 kg) dari persenjataan dan juga mampu membawa drop tank. Senjata-senjata itu bertujuan menggunakan 3B optik gunsight-N dilengkapi dengan 1 kepala perakitan-A yang diperbolehkan untuk digunakan sebagai senjata atau bom melihat melalui berbagai sudut kaca reflektor. [26] Pilot juga diberikan pilihan memiliki cincin dan pemandangan manik-manik dipasang pada penutup mesin dr baja pembentuk mesin atas. Opsi ini dihentikan dengan P nanti-51Ds. [27]

N3B gunsight dengan A-1 unit kepala.
XP yang pertama-51B terbang pada tanggal 30 November 1942. [28] Meskipun tes penerbangan dikonfirmasi potensi tempur baru, dengan langit-langit jasa yang dibesarkan oleh 10.000 kaki dan kecepatan tertinggi 50 mph meningkatkan oleh pada 30.000 kaki (9.100 m), itu segera menemukan bahwa aliran udara saluran radiator sudah putus pada kecepatan tinggi, menghasilkan gemuruh sebagai rana keluar ditutup. Pengujian di laboratorium Penerbangan Ames menyebabkan desain ulang sendok radiator yang berpuncak pada bibir bagian atas miring ke depan. [29] Setelah lobi berjalan dengan tingkat tertinggi, produksi Amerika dimulai pada awal 1943 dengan P-51B (NA-102) yang diproduksi di Inglewood, California, dan P-51C (NA-103) di pabrik baru di Dallas, Texas, yang beroperasi pada musim panas 1943. [nb 4] RAF bernama ini model Mustang Mk III. Dalam tes kinerja, P-51B mencapai 441 mph (709,70 km / jam) pada 30.000 kaki (9.100 m). [30] [nb 5] Selain itu, rentang diperpanjang dimungkinkan dengan menggunakan tangki drop memungkinkan Merlin- Mustang powered diperkenalkan sebagai pendamping bomber dengan radius tempur 750 mil dengan menggunakan dua 75 gal tank. [30]
Rentang ini akan semakin meningkatkan dengan pengenalan suatu gal 85 (322 l) self-sealing tangki bahan bakar bagian belakang kursi pilot, dimulai dengan seri P-51B-5-NA. Ketika tangki ini adalah penuh, pusat gravitasi dari Mustang dipindahkan nyaris batas belakang. Akibatnya, manuver dibatasi sampai tangki turun menjadi sekitar 25 US gal (95 l) dan tangki eksternal telah dijatuhkan. Masalah dengan kecepatan tinggi "hal melompat-lompat" dari P-51Bs dan P-51Cs dengan tank pesawat akan mengakibatkan penggantian lift yang tertutup kain dengan permukaan logam tertutup dan pengurangan kejadian tailplane. [32] Dengan sayap pesawat dan tank, ditambah dua 75 gal tank drop, radius tempur sekarang 880 mil. [30]
Meskipun modifikasi, P-51Bs dan P-51Cs, dan baru-51Ds P dan P-51Ks, mengalami masalah penanganan kecepatan rendah yang bisa mengakibatkan "roll-snap" paksa dalam kondisi tertentu kecepatan udara, sudut serangan, berat kotor, dan pusat gravitasi. Beberapa laporan kerusakan menceritakan P-51Bs dan-P 51Cs menerjang karena stabilisator horizontal robek off selama manuver. Sebagai hasil dari masalah ini, kit modifikasi yang terdiri dari sirip punggung diproduksi. Satu laporan menyatakan:
"Kecuali sirip punggung dipasang pada P-51B, P-51C dan pesawat P-51D, segulung snap dapat mengakibatkan saat mencoba gulungan lambat The horizontal stabilizer tidak akan menahan efek dari roll snap.. Untuk mencegah terulangnya, stabilizer harus diperkuat sesuai dengan TO 01-60J-18 tanggal 8 April 1944 dan sirip punggung harus diinstal. kit sirip punggung yang dibuat tersedia untuk kegiatan di luar negeri "
Kit sirip punggung mulai tersedia pada bulan Agustus 1944, dan dipasang ke P-51Bs dan P-51Cs, dan P-51Ds dan P-51Ks. Juga dimasukkan adalah perubahan ke kemudi trim tab , yang akan membantu mencegah pilot over-mengendalikan pesawat dan menciptakan beban berat pada unit ekor. [33]

Sebuah Hood-dilengkapi Malcolm Mustang Mk III diterbangkan oleh Komandan Wing Tadeusz Nowierski, CO dari 133 (Polandia) Wing , RAF Coolham , Juli 1944.
Salah satu keluhan yang tersisa dengan pesawat Merlin bertenaga adalah pandangan ke belakang miskin. Struktur kanopi, yang sama dengan mustangs Allison-bermesin, yang terdiri dari datar, panel berbingkai, pilot memperoleh akses, atau keluar kokpit dengan menurunkan panel samping pelabuhan dan meningkatkan panel atas ke kanan. kanopi tidak bisa dibuka dalam penerbangan dan pilot tinggi khususnya, terhambat oleh headroom terbatas. [32] Dalam rangka meningkatkan setidaknya sebagian pemandangan dari Mustang, Inggris telah diubah beberapa lapangan mustangs dengan jelas, geser kanopi disebut Malcolm kerudung (dirancang oleh Robert Malcolm). Struktur baru merupakan buram tanpa bingkai plexiglas molding [nb 6] yang keluar menggelembung di bagian atas dan samping, meningkatkan ruang kepala dan memungkinkan meningkatkan visibilitas ke samping dan belakang. [32] Karena struktur baru meluncur mundur pada pelari itu bisa bergeser terbuka dalam penerbangan. Tiang udara di belakang kanopi itu diganti dengan "cambuk" udara yang dipasang lebih lanjut belakang dan offset ke kanan. Sebagian besar Inggris Mk IIIs yang dilengkapi dengan atap mobil Malcolm. Beberapa kelompok layanan Amerika "diperoleh" kit konversi yang diperlukan dan beberapa P-51B/P-51Cs Amerika muncul dengan kanopi baru, meskipun mayoritas terus menggunakan kanopi berbingkai asli. [32]
P-51Bs dan P-51Cs mulai tiba di Inggris pada bulan Agustus dan Oktober 1943. Versi P-51B/P-51C dikirim ke 15 kelompok tempur yang merupakan bagian dari 8 dan 9 Angkatan Udara di Inggris dan 12 dan 15 di Italia (bagian selatan Italia berada di bawah kontrol Sekutu pada akhir tahun 1943). deployments lainnya termasuk Cina Burma India Theater (CBI).
strategi Sekutu cepat dieksploitasi pesawat tempur jangka panjang sebagai pendamping bomber. Hal ini terutama disebabkan P-51 yang serangan bom daylight jauh ke dalam wilayah Jerman menjadi mungkin tanpa kerugian pembom penghalang pada tahun 1943 akhir.
Sejumlah P-51B dan P-51C pesawat yang cocok untuk pengintaian foto dan ditunjuk F-6C.

[ sunting ] P-51D dan P-51K

P-51D-25 kemungkinan diterbangkan oleh Letnan Urban L. Drew . [nb 7] Struktur kanopi baru dengan modifikasi pesawat belakang yang terkait, dan meningkatnya "tertekuk" sayap kapal area posisi senjata baik ditampilkan dalam foto ini.
Setelah pengalaman tempur seri P-51D memperkenalkan sebuah "gelembung" "titik air mata", atau, kanopi untuk memperbaiki masalah dengan visibilitas miskin untuk bagian belakang pesawat. Awalnya dikembangkan sebagai bagian dari Miles M.20 proyek, ini kanopi newer sedang disesuaikan dengan desain paling Inggris, akhirnya muncul di Topan , badai dan dibangun Spitfires nanti. Di Amerika teknik pencetakan baru telah dikembangkan untuk membentuk transparansi hidung efisien untuk pembom. Amerika Utara merancang sebuah kanopi efisien baru plexiglass untuk-51B P yang kemudian dikembangkan menjadi titisan air mata berbentuk kanopi gelembung. Pada akhir 1942, produksi kesepuluh P-51B-1-NA telah dihapus dari lini perakitan. Dari kaca depan belakang pesawat itu didesain ulang dengan menebang pembentuk pesawat belakang dengan tinggi yang sama dengan yang maju dari kokpit, bentuk baru faired ke unit ekor vertikal. [34] terowongan angin tes model kayu menegaskan bahwa aerodinamika adalah suara. baru sederhana gaya A dari kaca depan, dengan kaca tahan peluru-siku dipasang pada dua buah sisi datar memperbaiki tampilan depan sedangkan kanopi baru menghasilkan visibilitas serba luar biasa. [34]
Kesalahpahaman yang umum adalah bahwa penebangan pesawat belakang untuk me-mount kanopi gelembung berkurang stabilitas, membutuhkan penambahan sirip punggung ke dasar maju dari ekor vertikal. Bahkan, seperti yang dijelaskan, masalah stabilitas mempengaruhi P sebelumnya-51Bs dan P-51Cs, serta model P-51D/P-51K berikutnya, ini sebagian disebabkan oleh gal US 85 (322 l) pesawat tangki bahan bakar yang telah dipasang selama produksi dari P-51B-5-NA dan menyebabkan pusat gravitasi untuk kembali terlalu jauh ketika terisi. Faktor lain adalah beralih dari baling-baling tiga-pisau dari seri Allison bertenaga untuk baling-baling empat-blade, menyebabkan destabilisasi meningkat karena pengaruh daerah lebih besar baling-baling empat-berbilah's samping, dan, pada P-51D dan P-51K , gelembung kanopi menyebabkan turbulensi beberapa depan sirip.
Modifikasi antara lain, persenjataan ditambah dengan penambahan dua senapan mesin M2 lebih, sehingga total menjadi enam. Pasangan batin senapan mesin memiliki 400 rpg, dan yang lainnya 270 rpg, dengan total 1.880. [35] Pada sebelumnya P-51s, yang M2S yang dipasang pada sisi sudut ekstrim untuk memungkinkan akses untuk memberi makan chutes dari amunisi baki. Ini miring mount telah menyebabkan masalah dengan pakan amunisi dan dengan Selubung menghabiskan dan link gagal untuk menghapus senjata-chutes, menyebabkan keluhan sering bahwa senjata macet selama manuver tempur. [36]
Pengaturan yang baru memungkinkan M2S untuk dipasang tegak, menanggulangi sebagian besar masalah kemacetan. The .50 in (12.7 mm) Browning senapan mesin, meskipun tidak menembakkan sebuah proyektil peledak, telah balistik yang sangat baik dan terbukti cukup terhadap Focke-Wulf Fw 190 dan Bf 109 Messerschmitt pejuang, yang merupakan USAAF utama lawan pada saat itu. Rak sayap dipasang seri P-51D/P-51K diperkuat dan mampu membawa hingga 1.000 lb (450 kg) persenjataan, meskipun £ 500 (230 kg) bom beban maksimum yang dianjurkan. [37] Kemudian model memiliki pylons roket dilepas di bawah sayap 'Zero Rail' ditambahkan ke membawa sampai sepuluh T64 5.0 in (127 mm) roket Hvar per pesawat. gunsight itu berubah dari N-3B ke-N 9 sebelum pengenalan pada bulan September 1944 dari K-14 atau K-14A -komputasi penglihatan gyro . [38] [nb 8]
Dini P-51Ds tanpa tangki bahan bakar pesawat bisa dilengkapi dengan baik SCR-522-A atau Command SCR-274-N Radio set dan SCR-695-A, atau-515 SCR pemancar radio, serta AN/APS- 13 belakang peringatan disusun; [nb 9] P-51Ds dan Ks dengan tangki pesawat menggunakan SCR-522-A dan hanya AN/APS-13. [40]
Perubahan ke atas undercarriage-kunci dan mekanisme mencabut batin-pintu berarti bahwa ada perubahan ke bentuk leading edge sayap bagian dalam, yang menyapu sedikit ke depan, meningkatkan area sayap dan menciptakan "kink" khas dalam memimpin tepi sayap. [41]

P-51K 44-15672 (Letnan Jessie R. Frey dari 362 Fighter Squadron , 357 Fighter Group ) menunjukkan unit propeller Aeroproducts dengan "uncuffed" pisau; sebuah array antena AN/APS-13 hanya dapat dilihat pada vertikal sirip dan ada formasi jeruk cahaya di tengah bintang pesawat.
P-51D menjadi varian yang paling banyak dihasilkan dari Mustang. A-dibangun dari versi Dallas-P 51D, ditunjuk P-51K, dilengkapi dengan 11 ft (3.4 m) Aeroproducts diameter baling-baling di tempat 11,2 ft (3,4 m) Hamilton Standar baling-baling. [42] The berlubang- baling-baling berbilah Aeroproducts tidak dapat diandalkan, karena masalah manufaktur, dengan getaran berbahaya pada kecepatan penuh dan akhirnya digantikan oleh Standar Hamilton.
Pada saat Perang Korea, sebagian besar F-51s dilengkapi dengan "uncuffed" Standar Hamilton baling-baling dengan lebih luas, berujung tumpul pisau. Versi pengintai foto dari P-51D dan P-51K yang ditunjuk F-6D dan F-6K masing-masing. RAF diberi nama Mustang Mk IV ke-51D model P dan Mustang Mk IVA ke-51K model P.
The P-51D/P-51K mulai tiba di Eropa pada pertengahan 1944 dan dengan cepat menjadi pejuang USAAF utama di teater. Saat itu diproduksi dalam jumlah lebih besar daripada varian Mustang lainnya. Namun demikian, pada akhir perang, sekitar separuh dari seluruh mustangs operasional masih P-51B atau model P-51C.
Keprihatinan atas ketidakmampuan USAAF untuk mengawal B-29s sampai ke daratan Jepang menghasilkan proyek yang sangat rahasia "Kuda Laut", sebuah upaya untuk "navalize" pesawat. Pada tahun 1944 akhir, penerbang angkatan laut (dan kemudian uji coba) Letnan Bob Penatua terbang pembawa percobaan kesesuaian kapal pengangkut USS Shangri-La dengan menggunakan P-51D 44-14017, yang telah dilengkapi dengan arrestor hook . [43] Proyek ini dibatalkan setelah Marinir AS mengamankan pulau Iwo Jima Jepang dan lapangan terbang tersebut, sehingga memungkinkan untuk model P-51D standar untuk menemani B-29s sepanjang jalan ke pulau-pulau rumah Jepang dan kembali. [44] [45]
Selama 1945-1948, P-51Ds juga dibangun di bawah lisensi di Australia oleh Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation .

[ sunting ] The "ringan" Mustang

[ sunting ] XP-51F, XP-51G dan XP-51J

Unit baling-baling XP-51F (salah satu dari tiga yang dibangun) dengan Aeroproducts berbilah tiga
Para USAAF diperlukan airframes dibangun untuk standar percepatan mereka 8,33 g (82 m / s ²), faktor beban lebih tinggi dari yang digunakan oleh standar Inggris dari 5,33 g (52 m / s ²) untuk pejuang mereka. Mengurangi faktor beban ke 5.33 akan memungkinkan berat untuk dihapus, dan baik USAAF dan RAF tertarik dalam meningkatkan kinerja potensial. Perubahan halus dibuat dalam mustangs ringan adalah penggunaan airfoil NACA seri 66 diperbaiki dan sayap lebih tipis sedikit dari yang digunakan oleh Mustang sebelumnya. [46]
Pada tahun 1943, Amerika Utara mengajukan proposal untuk merancang ulang P-51D sebagai model NA-105, yang diterima oleh USAAF. Modifikasi termasuk perubahan penutup mesin dr baja, sebuah disederhanakan undercarriage dengan roda kecil dan rem cakram, dan kanopi yang lebih besar dan persenjataan empat .50 Brownings. Secara keseluruhan desain adalah beberapa £ 1.600 lebih ringan dari P-51D. Dalam penerbangan uji XP-51F dicapai 491 mph (790 km / h) pada 21.000 kaki. Penunjukan XP-51F ditugaskan untuk prototipe didukung dengan mesin V-1650 (sejumlah kecil XP-51Fs disahkan untuk Inggris sebagai V Mustang), dan XP-51G kepada mereka dengan membalikkan meminjamkan / menyewakan Merlin RM 14 mesin SM . [47]
Sebuah prototipe ringan ketiga didukung oleh Allison V-1710-119 mesin ditambahkan dalam program pembangunan. Pesawat ini ditunjuk XP-51J. Karena mesin itu kurang dikembangkan, XP-51J dipinjamkan kepada Allison untuk pengembangan mesin. Tak satu pun dari lightweights eksperimental masuk ke produksi. [48]

[ sunting ] P-51H

A P-51H-10-NA menunjukkan pesawat, lebih panjang sedikit lebih dalam dan bagian bawah ringan dengan roda yang lebih kecil. Sebuah tailfin lebih tinggi kemudian diadopsi oleh seri P-51H.
P-51H (NA-126) adalah Mustang produksi akhir, memasukan pengalaman yang diperoleh dalam pengembangan XP-51F-51G pesawat dan XP. Pesawat ini, dengan perbedaan kecil sebagai-NA 129, datang terlambat untuk berpartisipasi dalam Perang Dunia II, tetapi membawa perkembangan Mustang ke puncak sebagai salah satu pejuang produksi tercepat piston-mesin untuk melihat layanan.
P-51H digunakan baru V-1650-9 mesin, versi dari Merlin yang mencakup Simmons kontrol otomatis meningkatkan supercharger dengan injeksi air, memungkinkan Daya Darurat Perang setinggi 2.218 hp (1.500 kW). Perbedaan antara P-51D termasuk memperpanjang bodi pesawat dan meningkatkan ketinggian tailfin, yang sangat mengurangi kecenderungan untuk yaw. kanopi itu mirip gaya P-51D, alih posisi pilot mengangkat's. Layanan akses ke senjata dan amunisi juga ditingkatkan. Dengan badan pesawat baru beberapa ratus pound lebih ringan, daya tambahan dan lebih efisien radiator, P-51H merupakan salah satu pejuang baling-baling tercepat yang pernah, mampu mencapai 487 mph (784 km / jam atau Mach 0,74) pada 25.000 kaki (7.600 m ).
P-51H dirancang untuk melengkapi P-47N sebagai pesawat utama invasi Jepang , dengan 2.000 diperintahkan untuk diproduksi di Inglewood. Production was just ramping up with 555 delivered when the war ended.
Additional orders, already on the books, were canceled. With the cutback in production, the variants of the P-51H with different versions of the Merlin engine were produced in either limited numbers or terminated. These included the P-51L , similar to the P-51H but utilizing the 2,270 hp (1,690 kW) V-1650-11 engine, which was never built; and its Dallas-built version, the P-51M , or NA-124, which utilized the V-1650-9A engine lacking water injection and therefore rated for lower maximum power, of which one was built out of the original 1629 ordered, serial number 45-11743.
Although some P-51Hs were issued to operational units, none saw combat in World War II, and in postwar service, most were issued to reserve units. One aircraft was provided to the RAF for testing and evaluation. Serial number 44-64192 was designated BuNo 09064 and used by the US Navy to test transonic airfoil designs and then returned to the Air National Guard in 1952. The P-51H was not used for combat in the Korean War despite its improved handling characteristics, since the P-51D was available in much larger numbers and was a proven commodity.
Many of the aerodynamic advances of the P-51 (including the laminar flow wing) were carried over to North American's next generation of jet-powered fighters, the Navy FJ Fury and Air Force F-86 Sabre . The wings, empennage and canopy of the first straight-winged variant of the Fury (the FJ-1) and the unbuilt preliminary prototypes of the P-86/F-86 strongly resembled those of the Mustang before the aircraft were modified with swept-wing designs.

[ edit ] Experimental Mustangs

In early 1944, the first P-51A-1-NA, 43-6003 . was fitted and tested with a lightweight retractable ski kit replacing the wheels. This conversion was made in response to a perceived requirement for aircraft that would operate away from prepared airstrips. The main oleo leg fairings were retained, but the main wheel doors and tail wheel doors were removed for the tests. When the undercarriage was retracted, the main gear skis were housed in the space in the lower engine compartment made available by the removal of the fuselage .50 in (12.7 mm) Brownings from the P-51As. The entire installation added 390 lb (180 kg) to the aircraft weight and required that the operating pressure of the hydraulic system had to be increased from 1,000 psi (6,897 kPa) to 1,200 psi (8,276 kPa). Flight tests showed that ground handling was good, and the Mustang could take off and land in a field length of 1,000 ft (300 m); the maximum speed was 18 mph (29 km/h) lower, although it was thought that fairings over the retracted skis would compensate. [ 49 ]
On 15 November 1944, a navalized P-51D-5-NA, 44-14017 , started flight tests from the deck of the carrier Shangri-La . This Mustang had been fitted with an arrestor hook, which was attached to a reinforced bulkhead behind the tail wheel opening; the hook was housed in a streamlined position under the rudder fairing and could be released from the cockpit. The tests showed that the Mustang could be flown off the carrier deck without the aid of a catapult, using a flap setting of 20° down and 5° of up elevator. Landings were found to be easy, and, by allowing the tail wheel to contact the deck before the main gear, the aircraft could be stopped in a minimum distance. [ 50 ]
While North American were concentrating on improving the performance of the P-51 through the development of the lightweight Mustangs, in Britain, other avenues of development were being pursued. To this end, two Mustang Mk IIIs (P-51Bs and P-51Cs), FX858 and FX901 , were fitted with different Merlin engine variants. The first of these, FX858 , was fitted with a Merlin 100 by Rolls-Royce at Hucknall ; this engine was similar to the RM 14 SM fitted to the XP-51G and was capable of generating 2,080 hp (1,550 kW) at 22,800 ft (7,000 m) using a boost pressure of +25 lbf/in 2 (170 kPa ; 80 inHg ) in war emergency setting. With this engine, FX858 reached a maximum speed of 453 mph (729 km/h) at 18,000 ft (5,500 m), and this could be maintained to 25,000 ft (7,600 m). The climb rate was 4,160 ft/min (21.1 m/s) at 14,000 ft (4,300 m).
FX901 was fitted with a Merlin 113 (also used in the de Havilland Mosquito B. Mk 35 ). This engine was similar to the Merlin 100, but it was fitted with a supercharger rated for higher altitudes. FX901 was capable of 454 mph (730 km/h) at 30,000 ft (9,100 m) and 414 mph (666 km/h) at 40,000 ft (12,200 m). [ 51 ]

sejarah Operasional

US operational service

P-51D-5NA 44-13357 of 8th AF / 361st FG / 374th FS Tika IV , assigned to Lt. Vernon R. Richards
American pre-war doctrine held that large formations of heavily-armed B-17s flying at high altitudes and using the Norden bombsight would be able conduct precision daylight bombing of factories and other pinpoint targets, while at the same time avoiding heavy civilian casualties. It was also believed that using tightly grouped bomber formations, which allowed bombers to mutually protect one another with heavy defensive firepower, would mean that the bombers would be able to defend themselves against enemy interceptors without the need for fighter escort. The British viewed this doctrine with scepticism because direct operational experience during the first months of the war showed that unescorted RAF heavy bomber formations attacking targets in daylight were vulnerable to fighters; after formations of Wellingtons took heavy casualties, the RAF switched mostly to night attacks for the duration of the war. During the Battle of Britain the Luftwaffe had discovered that even escorted bomber formations were open to daylight attack and eventually resorted to night raids during the Blitz of 1940/41. Regardless of these experiences the Americans continued to believe in the efficacy of daylight precision bombing and, once the US had entered the war, the USAAF began to build up a strategic bomber force based in Britain.
The 8th Air Force started operations from Britain in August 1942; at first, because of the limited scale of operations, there was no conclusive evidence that the American doctrine was failing. In the twenty-six operations which had been flown to the end of 1942 the loss rate had been under 2%. [ 52 ] In January 1943, at the Casablanca Conference , the Allies formulated the Combined Bomber Offensive (CBO) plan for "round-the-clock" bombing by the RAF at night and the USAAF by day. In June 1943, the Combined Chiefs of Staff issued the Pointblank Directive to destroy the Luftwaffe before the invasion of Europe, putting the CBO into full implementation. The 8th Air Force's heavy-bombers conducted a series of deep-penetration raids into Germany, beyond the range of available escort fighters. German fighter reaction was fierce, and bomber losses were severe—20% in an October 14 attack on the German ball-bearing industry. This made it too costly to continue such long-range raids without adequate fighter escort.
The Lockheed P-38 Lightning had the range to escort the bombers, but was available in very limited numbers in the European theater due to its Allison engines proving difficult to maintain. With the extensive use of the P-38 in the Pacific Theater of Operations , where its twin engines were deemed vital to long-range "over-water" operations, nearly all European-based P-38 units converted to the P-51 in 1944. The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt was capable of meeting the Luftwaffe on more than even terms, but did not at the time have sufficient range. The Mustang changed all that. In general terms, the Mustang was at least as simple as other aircraft of its era. It used a single, well-understood, reliable engine and had internal space for a huge fuel load. With external fuel tanks, it could accompany the bombers all the way to Germany and back.

P-51D 44-14888 of the 8th AF/357th FG/363rd FS, named Glamorous Glennis III , is the aircraft in which Chuck Yeager , the future test pilot, achieved most of his 12.5 killscountermeasures against the JagdverbÀnde .

Pilots of all-African American 332nd Fighter Group (the Tuskegee Airmen ) at Ramitelli, Italy. From left, Lt. Dempsey W. Morgran, Lt. Carroll S. Woods, Lt. Robert H. Nelron, Jr., Capt. Andrew D. Turner and Lt. Clarence P. Lester
Beginning in late February 1944, 8th Air Force fighter units began systematic strafing attacks on German airfields that picked up in frequency and intensity throughout the spring, with the objective of gaining air supremacy over the Normandy battlefield. In general, these were conducted by units returning from escort missions, but beginning in March, many groups also were assigned airfield attacks instead of bomber support. On 15 April, VIII FC began Operation Jackpot, attacks on specific Luftwaffe fighter airfields, and on 21 May, these attacks were expanded to include railways , locomotives , and rolling stock used by the Germans to transport materiel and troops, in missions dubbed "Chattanooga". [ 57 ] The P-51 also excelled at this mission, although losses were much higher on strafing missions than in air-to-air combat, partially because, like other fighters using liquid-cooled engines, the Mustang's coolant system could be punctured by small arms hits, even from a single bullet.
The numerical superiority of the USAAF fighters, superb flying characteristics of the P-51 and pilot proficiency helped cripple the Luftwaffe ' s fighter force. As a result, the fighter threat to US, and later British bombers, was greatly diminished by July 1944. Reichmarshal Hermann Göring , commander of the German Luftwaffe during the war, was quoted as saying, "When I saw Mustangs over Berlin, I knew the jig was up." [ 58 ]
P-51s also distinguished themselves against advanced enemy rockets and aircraft. A P-51B/P-51C with 150 octane fuel was fast enough to pursue the V-1s launched toward London . The Messerschmitt Me 163 rocket interceptors and Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighters were considerably faster than the P-51, but they were not as maneuverable as the Mustang, furthermore they were vulnerable on take-off and landing (as all aircraft are). Chuck Yeager , flying a P-51D, was one of the first American pilots to shoot down a Me 262 when he surprised it during its landing approach. On 7 October 1944, Lt. Urban Drew of the 365th Fighter Group went him one better. During a fighter sweep, he surprised and shot down two Me 262s taking off. On the same day, Hubert Zemke , now flying Mustangs, shot down what he thought was a Bf 109, only to have his gun camera film reveal it to be an Me 262. [ 59 ] On 1 November 1944, the Mustang pilots once again demonstrated that the threat could be contained with numbers. While flying as escorts for B-17s, the 20th Fighter Group was attacked by a lone Me 262, which destroyed a solitary P-51. The Me 262 then attempted to attack the bombers, only to be cut off by a mixed formation of P-51s and P-47s. The fighter groups competed for the kill. Eventually, a P-47 pilot of the 56th, and Mustang pilots Lts. Gerbe and Groce of the 352nd Fighter Groups, shared the kill. [ 60 ]

P-51Cs and P-51Ds of 118 Tac/R Squadron, Laohwangping, China, June 1945 (Fred Poats photo)
By 8 May 1945, [ 61 ] the 8th, 9th and 15th Air Forces ' P-51 groups [ nb 10 ] claimed some 4,950 aircraft shot down (about half of all USAAF claims in the European theater), the most claimed by any Allied fighter in air-to-air combat, [ 61 ] and 4,131 destroyed on the ground. Losses were about 2,520 aircraft. [ 62 ] The 8th Air Force's 4th Fighter Group , was the overall top-scoring fighter group in Europe, with 1,016 enemy aircraft claimed destroyed. This included 550 claimed in aerial combat and 466 on the ground. [ 63 ]
In aerial combat, the top-scoring P-51 units (both of which exclusively flew Mustangs) were the 357th Fighter Group of the 8th Air Force with 595 air-to-air combat victories, and the Ninth Air Force's 354th Fighter Group with 701, which made it the top scoring outfit in aerial combat of all fighter groups of any type. Martin Bowman reports that in the European Theater of Operations , Mustangs flew 213,873 sorties and lost 2,520 aircraft to all causes. [ citation needed ] The top Mustang ace was the USAAF's George Preddy , whose final tally stood at 27.5, 24 scored with the P-51, when he was shot down and killed by friendly fire on Christmas Day 1944 during the Battle of the Bulge . [ 61 ] The P-51s were deployed in the Far East later in 1944, operating in close-support and escort missions as well as for tactical photo reconnaissance.

[ edit ] An Allied test-pilot's opinion

Chief Naval Test Pilot and CO Captured Enemy Aircraft Flight Capt. Eric Brown , CBE, DSC, AFC, RN, tested the Mustang in RAE Farnborough , and noted: "The Mustang was a good fighter and the best escort due to its incredible range, make no mistake about it. It was also the best American dogfighter . But the laminar flow wing fitted to the Mustang could be a little tricky. It could not by no means out-turn a Spitfire. No way. It had a good rate-of-roll, better than the Spitfire, so I would say the plusses to the Spitfire and the Mustang just about equate. If I were in a dogfight, I'd prefer to be flying the Spitfire. The problem was I wouldn't like to be in a dogfight near Berlin, because I could never get home to Britain in a Spitfire!” [ 64 ]

[ edit ] Post-World War II

F-51 Mustang taxis through a puddle in Korea, laden with bombs and rockets
In the aftermath of World War II, the USAAF consolidated much of its wartime combat force and selected the P-51 as a "standard" piston-engine fighter, while other types, such as the P-38 and P-47, were withdrawn or given substantially reduced roles. However, as more advanced jet fighters (P-80 and P-84) were being introduced, the P-51 was relegated to secondary status.
In 1947, the newly-formed USAF Strategic Air Command employed Mustangs alongside F-6 Mustangs and F-82 Twin Mustangs, due to their range capabilities. In 1948, the designation P-51 (P for pursuit) was changed to F-51 ( F for fighter), and the existing F designator for photographic reconnaissance aircraft was dropped because of a new designation scheme throughout the USAF. Aircraft still in service in the USAF or Air National Guard (ANG) when the system was changed included: F-51B , F-51D , F-51K , RF-51D (formerly F-6D ), RF-51K (formerly F-6K ), and TRF-51D (two-seat trainer conversions of F-6Ds). They remained in service from 1946 through 1951. By 1950, although Mustangs continued in service with the USAF after the war, the majority of the USAF's Mustangs had been surplussed or transferred to the Air Force Reserve (AFRES) and the Air National Guard (ANG).

USAF F-51D dropping napalm on a target in North Korea
During the Korean War , F-51s, though obsolete as fighters, were used as close ground-support aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft until the end of the war in 1953. [ 65 ] Because of its lighter structure and less availability of spare parts, the newer, faster F-51H was not used in Korea. With the aircraft being used for ground attack, their performance was less of a concern than their ability to carry a load.
At the start of the Korean War, the Mustang once again proved its usefulness. With the availability of F-51Ds in service and in storage, a substantial number were shipped via aircraft carriers to the combat zone for use initially by both the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) and USAF. Rather than employing them as interceptors or "pure" fighters, the F-51 was given the task of ground attack, fitted with rockets and bombs. After the initial invasion from North Korea, USAF units were forced to fly from bases in Japan, and F-51Ds could hit targets in Korea that short-ranged F-80 jet fighters could not. A major concern over the vulnerability of the cooling system was realized in heavy losses due to ground fire. Mustangs continued flying with USAF and ROKAF fighter-bomber units on close support and interdiction missions in Korea until they were largely replaced by Republic F-84 and Grumman Panther jet fighter-bombers in 1953. No. 77 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) operated Australian-built Mustangs as part of British Commonwealth Forces Korea , replacing them with Gloster Meteor F8s in 1951. No. 2 Squadron South African Air Force (SAAF) operated US-built Mustangs as part of the US 18th Fighter Bomber Wing , suffering heavy losses by 1953, when it converted to the F-86 Sabre.
F-51s flew in the Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard throughout the 1950s. The last American USAF Mustang was F-51D-30-NA AF Serial No. 44-74936 , which was finally withdrawn from service with the West Virginia Air National Guard in 1957. This aircraft is now on display at the National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio . It is, however, painted as P-51D-15-NA Serial No. 44-15174 . [ 66 ]

West Virginia Air National Guard F-51D. Note: postwar "uncuffed" propeller unit
The final withdrawal of the Mustang from USAF dumped hundreds of P-51s out onto the civilian market. The rights to the Mustang design were purchased from North American by the Cavalier Aircraft Corporation, which attempted to market the surplus Mustang aircraft both in the US and overseas. In 1967 and again in 1972, the USAF procured batches of remanufactured Mustangs from Cavalier, most of them destined for air forces in South America and Asia that were participating in the Military Assistance Program (MAP) . These aircraft were remanufactured from existing original F-51D airframes but were fitted with new V-1650-7 engines, a new radio fit, tall F-51H-type vertical tails, and a stronger wing that could carry six 0.50 in (13 mm) machine guns and a total of eight underwing hardpoints. Two 1,000 lb (454 kg) bombs and six 5 in (127 mm) rockets could be carried. They all had an original F-51D-type canopy, but carried a second seat for an observer behind the pilot. One additional Mustang was a two-seat dual-control TF-51D (67-14866) with an enlarged canopy and only four wing guns. Although these remanufactured Mustangs were intended for sale to South American and Asian nations through the MAP, they were delivered to the USAF with full USAF markings. They were, however, allocated new serial numbers (67-14862/14866, 67-22579/22582 and 72-1526/1541). [ 66 ]
The last US military use of the F-51 was in 1968, when the US Army employed a vintage F-51D ( 44-72990 ) as a chase aircraft for the Lockheed YAH-56 Cheyenne armed helicopter project. This aircraft was so successful that the Army ordered two F-51Ds from Cavalier in 1968 for use at Fort Rucker as chase planes. They were assigned the serials 68-15795 and 68-15796 . These F-51s had wingtip fuel tanks and were unarmed. Following the end of the Cheyenne program, these two chase aircraft were used for other projects. One of them (68-15795) was fitted with a 106 mm recoilless rifle for evaluation of the weapon's value in attacking fortified ground targets. [ 67 ] Cavalier Mustang 68-15796 survives at the Air Force Armament Museum , Eglin AFB , Florida, displayed indoors in World War II markings.
The F-51 was adopted by many foreign air forces and continued to be an effective fighter into the mid-1980s with smaller air arms. The last Mustang ever downed in battle occurred during Operation Power Pack in the Dominican Republic in 1965, with the last aircraft finally being retired by the Dominican Air Force (FAD) in 1984. [ 68 ]

[ edit ] Non-US service

After World War II, the P-51 Mustang served in the air arms of more than 55 nations. [ 2 ] During wartime, a Mustang cost about 51,000 dollars, [ 1 ] while many hundreds were sold postwar for the nominal price of one dollar to the American countries that signed the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance , ratified in Rio de Janeiro in 1947. [ 69 ] Following is a list of some of the countries that used the P-51 Mustang.

Australian P-51Ds of 82 Squadron RAAF in Bofu, Japan, as part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force , in 1947
In November 1944, 3 (RAAF) Squadron became the first Royal Australian Air Force unit to use Mustangs. At the time of its conversion from the P-40 to the Mustang the squadron was based in Italy with the RAF's First Tactical Air Force . By this time, the Australian government had also decided to order Australian-built Mustangs, to replace its Curtiss Kittyhawks and CAC Boomerangs in the South West Pacific theatre . The Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (CAC) factory at Fishermans Bend , Melbourne was the only non-US production line for the P-51.
In 1944, 100 P-51Ds were shipped from the US in kit form to inaugurate production. From February 1945, CAC assembled 80 of these under the designation CA-17 Mustang Mark 20, with the first one being handed over to the RAAF on 4 June 1945. [ 70 ] The remaining 20 were kept unassembled as spare parts. In addition, 84 P-51Ks were also shipped directly to the RAAF from the USA. However, in the South West Pacific, only 17 Mustangs reached the RAAF's First Tactical Air Force front line squadrons by the time World War II ended in August 1945.
In late 1946 CAC was given another contract to build 170 (reduced to 120) more P-51Ds on its own; these, designated CA-18 Mustang Mark 21, Mark 22 or Mark 23, were manufactured entirely in-house, with only a few components being sourced from overseas. [ 70 ] The 21 and 22 used the American-built Packard V-1650-3 or V-1650-7. The Mark 23s [ nb 11 ] , which followed the 21s, were powered by Rolls-Royce Merlin 66 or Merlin 70 engines. The first 26 were built as Mark 21s, followed by 66 Mark 23s; the first 14 Mark 21s were converted to fighter-reconnaissance aircraft, with two F24 cameras in both vertical and oblique positions in the rear fuselage, above and behind the radiator fairing; the designation of these modified Mustangs was changed from Mark 21 to Mark 22. An additional 14 purpose-built Mark 22s, built after the Mark 23s, and powered by either Packard V-1650-7s or Merlin 68s, completed the production run. [ 70 ] All of the CA-17s and CA-18s, plus the 84 P-51Ks, used Australian serial numbers prefixed by A68.
Several squadrons were issued with P-51s: 76 , 77 , 82 , 83 , 84 and 86 Squadrons, converted to P-51s from July 1945. 3(RAAF) Squadron, after returning to Australia from Italy, was renumbered 4 Squadron and converted to CAC-built Mustangs. 76, 77 and 82 Squadrons were formed into 81 Fighter Wing of the British Commonwealth Air Force (BCAIR) which was part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force (BCOF) stationed in Japan from February 1946. 77 Squadron also used P-51s extensively during the first years of the Korean War, before converting to Gloster Meteor jets. [ 71 ]
Five reserve units from the Citizen Air Force (CAF) also operated Mustangs. 21 "City of Melbourne" Squadron , based in the state of Victoria ; 22 "City of Sydney" Squadron , based in New South Wales ; 23 "City of Brisbane" Squadron , based in Queensland ; 24 "City of Adelaide" Squadron , based in South Australia ; and 25 "City of Perth" Squadron , based in Western Australia . The last Mustangs were retired from these units in 1960 when CAF units adopted a non-flying role. [ 72 ]
In October 1953, six Mustangs, including A68-1 , the first Australian built CA-17 Mk 20, were allotted to the Long Range Weapons Development Establishment at Maralinga, South Australia , for use in experiments to gauge the effects of low-yield nuclear atomic bombs . The Mustangs were placed on a dummy airfield about 0.62 mi (1 km) from the blast tower on which two low-yield bombs were detonated. The Mustangs survived intact. In 1967, A68-1 was bought by a US syndicate, for restoration to flight status and is currently owned by Troy Sanders. [ 73 ]
Nine Cavalier F-51D (including the two TF-51s) were given to Bolivia, under a program called Peace Condor. [ 74 ]
Restored P-51D in the markings of No. 402 "City of Winnipeg" RCAF Auxiliary Squadron
Canada had five squadrons equipped with Mustangs during World War II. RCAF No. 400 , No. 414 and No. 430 squadrons flew Mustang Mk Is (1942-1944), and Nos. 441 and 442 flew Mustang Mk IIIs and IVAs in 1945. Postwar, a total of 150 Mustang P-51Ds were purchased and served in two regular ( No. 416 "Lynx" and No. 417 "City of Windsor") and six auxiliary fighter squadrons (No. 402 "City of Winnipeg", No. 403 "City of Calgary", No. 420 "City of London", No. 424 "City of Hamilton", No. 442 "City of Vancouver" and No. 443 "City of New Westminster"). The Mustangs were declared obsolete in 1956, but a number of special-duty versions served on into the early 1960s.
China acquired P-51Cs and P-51Ds from the US 10th AF in India by early 1945. These Mustangs were provided to the 3rd, 4th and 5th Fighter Groups of the China Air Force (CAF) and used to attack Japanese targets in occupied areas of China. After the war Chiang Kai-shek 's Nationalist government used the planes against insurgent Communist forces. The Nationalists retreated to Taiwan in 1949. Pilots supporting Chiang brought most of the Mustangs with them, where the aircraft became part of the island's defence arsenal. Taiwan subsequently acquired additional Mustangs from the USAF and other sources. Some Mustangs remained on the mainland, captured by Communist forces when the Nationalists left. [ 74 ]
Kosta Rika
The Costa Rica Air Force flew four P-51Ds from 1955 to 1964. [ 74 ]
In November 1958, three US-registered civilian P-51D Mustangs were illegally flown separately from Miami to Cuba, on delivery to the rebel forces of the 26th of July Movement , then headed by Fidel Castro during the Cuban Revolution . One of the Mustangs was damaged during delivery, and none of them was used operationally. After the success of the revolution in January 1959, with other rebel aircraft plus those of the existing Cuban government forces, they were adopted into the Fuerza AĂ©rea Revolucionaria . Due to increasing US restrictions, lack of spares and maintenance experience, they never achieved operational status. At the time of the Bay of Pigs invasion , the two intact Mustangs were already effectively grounded at Campo Columbia and at Santiago. After the failed invasion, they were placed on display with other symbols of "revolutionary struggle", and one remains on display at the Museo del Aire (Cuba) . [ 75 ] [ 76 ] [ 77 ]
Republik Dominika
The Dominican Republic (FAD) was the largest Latin American air force to employ the P-51D, with six aircraft acquired in 1948, 44 ex-Swedish F-51Ds purchased in 1948 and a further Mustang obtained from an unknown source. [ 78 ] It was the last nation to have any Mustangs in service, with some remaining in use as late as 1984. [ 74 ]
El Salvador
The FAS purchased five Cavalier Mustang IIs (and one dual control Cavalier TF-51) that featured wingtip fuel tanks to increase combat range and up-rated Merlin engines. Seven P-51D Mustangs were also in service. [ 74 ] They were used during the 1969 Soccer War against Honduras, the last time the P-51 was used in combat. [ 79 ]
In late 1944, the first French unit began its transition to reconnaissance Mustangs. In January 1945, the Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron 2/33 of the French Air Force took their F-6Cs and F-6Ds over Germany on photographic mapping missions. The Mustangs remained in service until the early 1950s, when they were replaced by jet fighters. [ 74 ]
Several P-51s were captured by the Luftwaffe following crash landings. These aircraft were subsequently repaired and test-flown by the Zirkus Rosarius , or "Rosarius Staffel", for combat evaluation at Göttingen . The aircraft were repainted with German markings and bright yellow nose and belly for identification. A number of P-51B/P-51Cs (including examples marked with Luftwaffe codes T9+CK, T9+FK, T9+HK and T9+PK) and three P-51Ds were captured. [ 80 ] Some of these P-51s were found by Allied forces at the end of the war; others crashed during testing. [ 81 ] The Mustang is also listed in the appendix to the novel KG 200 as having been flown by the German secret operations unit KG 200 , which tested, evaluated and sometimes clandestinely operated captured enemy aircraft during World War II . [ 82 ]
The Fuerza AĂ©rea Guatemalteca (FAG) had 30 P-51D Mustangs in service from 1954 to the early 1970s. [ 74 ]
Haiti had four P-51D Mustangs when President Paul EugĂšne Magloire was in power between 1950 and 1956, with the last retired in 1973-74 and sold for spares to the Dominican Republic. [ 83 ]
Indonesia acquired some P-51Ds from the departing Netherlands East Indies Air Force in 1949 and 1950. The Mustangs were used against Commonwealth (RAF, RAAF and RNZAF) forces during the Indonesian confrontation in the early 1960s. The last time Mustangs were deployed for military purposes was a shipment of six Cavalier II Mustangs (without tip tanks) delivered to Indonesia in 1972–1973, which were replaced in 1976. [ 84 ] [ 85 ]
A few P-51 Mustangs were illegally bought by Israel in 1948 for use in the War of Independence (1948) and quickly established themselves as the best fighter in the Israeli inventory. Further aircraft were bought from Sweden, and were replaced by jets at the end of the 1950s, but not before the type was used in the Suez Crisis , Operation Kadesh (1956). Reputedly, during this conflict, one daring Israeli pilot literally cut communications between Suez City and the Egyptian front lines by using his Mustang's propeller on the telephone wires. [ 86 ]
Italy was a postwar operator of P-51Ds; deliveries were slowed by the Korean war, but between September 1947 and January 1951, by MDAP count, 173 examples were delivered. They were used in all the AMI fighter units: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 51 Stormo (Wing), and some in schools and experimental units. Considered a "glamorous" fighter, P-51s were even used as personal aircraft by several Italian commanders. Some restrictions were placed on its use due to unfavorable flying characteristics. Handling had to be done with much care when fuel tanks were fully utilized and several aerobatic maneuvers were forbidden. Overall, the P-51D was highly rated even compared to the other primary postwar fighter in Italian service, the Supermarine Spitfire , partly because these P-51Ds were in very good condition in contrast to all other Allied fighters supplied to Italy. Phasing out of the Mustang began in summer 1958. [ 87 ] [ nb 12 ]
The P-51C-11-NT Evalina , marked as "278" (former USAAF serial: 44-10816 ) and flown by 26th FS, 51st FG, was hit by gunfire on 16 January 1945 and belly-landed on Suchon Airfield in China, which was held by the Japanese. The Japanese repaired the aircraft, roughly applied Hinomaru roundels and flew the aircraft to the Fussa evaluation centre (now Yokota Air Base) in Japan. [ 74 ]
The Royal Netherlands East Indies Army Air Force received 40 P-51Ds and flew them during the Indonesian National Revolution particularly the two ' politionele acties ': Operatie Product in 1947 and Operatie Kraai in 1949. [ 88 ] When the conflict was over, Indonesia received some of the ML-KNIL Mustangs. [ 74 ]
Fuerza Aerea de Nicaragua (GN) purchased 26 P-51D Mustangs from Sweden in 1954 and later received 30 P-51D Mustangs from the US together with two TF-51 models from MAP after 1954. All aircraft of this type were retired from service by 1964. [ 74 ]

P-51D in 3 (Canterbury) Squadron TAF livery, performing at 2007 Wings over Wairarapa airshow
Selandia Baru
New Zealand ordered 370 P-51 Mustangs to supplement its F4U Corsairs in the Pacific Ocean Areas theatre. Scheduled deliveries were for an initial batch of 30 P-51Ds, followed by 137 more P-51Ds and 203 P-51Ms. [ 89 ] The original 30 were being shipped as the war ended in August 1945; these were stored in their packing cases and the order for the additional Mustangs was cancelled. In 1951 the stored Mustangs entered service in 1 (Auckland) , 2(Wellington) , 3 (Canterbury) and 4 (Otago) squadrons of the Territorial Air Force (TAF). The Mustangs remained in service until they were prematurely retired in August 1955 following a series of problems with undercarriage and coolant system corrosion problems. Four Mustangs served on as target tugs until the TAF was disbanded in 1957. [ 89 ] RNZAF pilots in the Royal Air Force also flew the P-51, and at least one New Zealand pilot scored victories over Europe while on loan to a USAAF P-51 squadron.
The Phillippines acquired 103 P-51D Mustangs after World War II. These became the backbone of the postwar Philippine Army Air Corps and Philippine Air Force and were used extensively during the Huk campaign, fighting against Communist insurgents.

Philippine Air Force P-51D. The tailwheels were fixed in the extended position.
Mustangs were also the first aircraft of the Philippine air demonstration squadron, which was formed in 1953 and given the name "The Blue Diamonds" the following year. [ 90 ] The Mustangs were replaced by 50 F-86 Sabres in the late 1950s, but some were still in service for COIN roles up to the early 1970s.
Republik Rakyat Cina
See China above; the Chinese Communists captured a few P-51s from the Chinese Nationalists as they were retreating to Taiwan. [ 74 ]
During World War II, five Polish Air Force in Great Britain squadrons used Mustangs. The first Polish unit equipped (7 June 1942) with Mustang Mk Is was "B" Flight of 309 "Ziemi CzerwieƄskiej" Squadron [ nb 13 ] (an Army Co-Operation Command unit), followed by "A" Flight in March 1943. Subsequently, 309 Squadron was redesignated a fighter/reconnaissance unit and became part of Fighter Command. On 13 March 1944, 316 "Warszawski" Squadron received their first Mustang Mk IIIs; rearming of the unit was completed by the end of April. By 26 March 1943, 306 "ToruƄski" Sqn and 315 "DębliƄski" Sqn received Mustangs Mk IIIs (the whole operation took 12 days). On 20 October 1944, Mustang Mk Is in No. 309 Squadron were replaced by Mk IIIs. On 11 December 1944, the unit was again renamed, becoming "309 Dywizjon Myƛliwski "Ziemi CzerwieƄskiej" or 309 "Land of Czerwien" Polish Fighter Squadron. [ 91 ] In 1945, 303 "Koƛciuszko" Sqn received 20 Mustangs Mk IV/Mk IVA replacements. Postwar, between 6 December 1946 and 6 January 1947, all five Polish squadrons equipped with Mustangs were disbanded. Poland returned approximately 80 Mustangs Mk IIIs and 20 Mustangs Mk IV/IVAs to the RAF, which transferred them to the US government. [ 92 ]
The Somalian Air Force had brought 8 P-51D models in service. [ citation needed ]
Afrika Selatan
The South African Air Force operated a number of Mustang Mk Is and Mk IIs (P-51As) in Italy and the Middle East during World War II. After VE-Day, these machines were soon struck off charge and scrapped. In 1950, 2 Squadron SAAF was supplied with F-51D Mustangs by the United States for Korean War service. The type performed well in South African hands before being replaced by the F-86 Sabre in 1952 and 1953. [ 74 ]
Korea Selatan

The F-51D in ROKAF service
Within a month of the outbreak of the Korean War, 10 F-51D Mustangs were provided to the badly depleted Republic of Korea Air Force as a part of the Bout One Project. They were flown by both South Korean airmen, several of whom were veterans of the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy air services during World War II, as well as by US advisers led by Major Dean Hess . Later, more were provided both from US and from South African stocks, as the latter were converting to F-86 Sabres. They formed the backbone of the South Korean Air Force until they were replaced by Sabres. [ 74 ]
It also served with the ROKAF Black Eagles aerobatic team , until retired 1954.
Sweden's Flygvapnet first recuperated four of the P-51s (two P-51Bs and two early P-51Ds) that had been diverted to Sweden during missions over Europe. In February 1945, Sweden purchased 50 P-51Ds designated J 26, which were delivered by American pilots in April and assigned to the F 16 wing at Uppsala as interceptors. In early 1946, the F 4 wing at Östersund was equipped with a second batch of 90 P-51Ds. A final batch of 21 Mustangs was purchased in 1948. In all, 161 J 26s served in the Swedish Air Force during the late 1940s. About a dozen were modified for photo reconnaissance and re-designated S 26. A few of these aircraft participated in the top secret Swedish mapping of new Soviet military installations at the Baltic coast in 1946-47 ( Operation Falun ), an endeavour that entailed many intentional violations of Soviet airspace. However, the Mustang could outdive any Soviet fighter of that era, so no S 26s were lost in these missions. [ 93 ] The J 26s were replaced by De Havilland Vampires around 1950. The S 26s were replaced by S 29Cs in the early 1950s. [ 74 ]

A restored Swiss Air Force P-51D
The Swiss Air Force operated a few USAAF P-51s that had been impounded by Swiss authorities during World War II after the pilots were forced to land in neutral Switzerland. After the war, Switzerland also bought 130 P-51s for $4,000 each. They served until 1958. [ 74 ]
United Kingdom
The RAF was the first air force to operate the Mustang. Because the first Mustangs were built to British requirements these used factory numbers and were not P-51s; the order comprised 320 NA-73s, followed by 300 NA-83s, all of which were designated North American Mustang Mark I s by the RAF. [ 94 ] The first RAF Mustangs diverted from American orders were 93 P-51s, designated Mark IA , followed by 50 P-51As used as Mustang II s. [ 95 ]
The first Mustang Mk Is entered service in 1941 the first unit being 2 Squadron RAF . Due to poor high-altitude performance, the Mustangs were used by Army Co-operation Command , rather than Fighter Command, and were used for tactical reconnaissance and ground-attack duties. On 27 July 1942, 16 RAF Mustangs undertook their first long-range reconnaissance mission over Germany. During Operation Jubilee (19 August 1942) four British and Canadian Mustang squadrons, including 26 Squadron saw action. By 1943/1944, British Mustangs were used extensively to seek out V-1 flying bomb sites. The final RAF Mustang Mk I and Mustang Mk II aircraft were struck off charge in 1945.
The RAF also operated a total of 308 P-51Bs and 636 P-51Cs [ 96 ] which were known in RAF service as Mustang Mk III s; the first units converted to the type in late 1943 and early 1944. Mustang Mk III units were operational until the end of World War II, though many units had already converted to the Mustang Mk IV and Mk IVA s (828 in total, comprising 282 P-51D-NAs or Mk IVs, and 600 P-51Ks or Mk IVA). [ 97 ] As the Mustang was a Lend-Lease type, all aircraft still on RAF charge at the end of the war were either returned to the USAAF "on paper" or retained by the RAF for scrapping. The final Mustangs were retired from RAF use in 1947. [ 74 ]
Uni Soviet
The Soviet Union received at least 10 early-model ex-RAF Mustang Is and tested but found them to "under-perform" compared to contemporary USSR fighters, relegating them to training units. Later Lend-Lease deliveries of the P-51B/C and D series along with other Mustangs abandoned in Russia after the famous "shuttle missions" were repaired and used by the Soviet Air Force, but not in front-line service. [ 98 ]
The Uruguayan Air Force (FAU) used 25 P-51D Mustangs from 1950 to 1960—some were subsequently sold to Bolivia. [ 74 ]

[ edit ] P-51s and civil aviation

Many P-51s were sold as surplus after the war, often for as little as $1,500. Some were sold to former wartime fliers or other aficionados for personal use, while others were modified for air racing. [ 99 ]

Charles Blair's Excalibur III at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center (NASM)
One of the most significant Mustangs involved in air racing was a surplus P-51C-10-NT ( 44-10947 ) purchased by Paul Mantz , a film stunt pilot. The aircraft was modified by creating a "wet wing", sealing the wing to create a giant fuel tank in each wing, which eliminated the need for fuel stops or drag-inducing drop tanks. This Mustang, called Blaze of Noon , came in first in the 1946 and 1947 Bendix Air Races, second in the 1948 Bendix, and third in the 1949 Bendix. He also set a US coast-to-coast record in 1947. The Mantz Mustang was sold to Charles F. Blair Jr (future husband of Maureen O'Hara ) and re-named Excaliber III . Blair used it to set a New York-to-London (c. 3,460 mi/5,568 km) record in 1951: 7 hr 48 min from takeoff at Idlewild to overhead London Airport. Later that same year, he flew from Norway to Fairbanks, Alaska, via the North Pole (c. 3,130 mi/5,037 km), proving that navigation via sun sights was possible over the magnetic north pole region. For this feat, he was awarded the Harmon Trophy, and the Air Force was forced to change its thoughts on a possible Soviet air strike from the north. This Mustang now resides in the National Air and Space Museum at Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center . [ 100 ]

Miss Helen , a P-51D in its wartime markings as flown by Capt. Raymond H. Littge of the 487 FS, 352 FG, on aerial display in 2007. It is the last original 352 FG P-51 known to exist
The most prominent firm to convert Mustangs to civilian use was Trans-Florida Aviation, later renamed Cavalier Aircraft Corporation, which produced the Cavalier Mustang . Modifications included a taller tailfin and wingtip tanks. A number of conversions included a Cavalier Mustang specialty: a "tight" second seat added in the space formerly occupied by the military radio and fuselage fuel tank.
In 1958, 78 surviving RCAF Mustangs were retired from service's inventory and were ferried from their varied storage locations to Canastota, New York where the American buyers had been located. These aircraft make up a large percentage of the aircraft presently flying worldwide. [ 101 ]
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, when the United States Department of Defense wished to supply aircraft to South American countries and later Indonesia for close air support and counter insurgency , it turned to Cavalier to return some of their civilian conversions back to updated military specifications .
In the 21st century a P-51 can command a price of more than $1 million, even for only partially restored aircraft. [ 101 ] Some privately owned P-51s are still flying, often associated with organizations such as the Commemorative Air Force (formerly the Confederate Air Force). [ 102 ]

[ sunting ] Varian

Avp51 1 2.png
The initial prototype was designated the NA-73X by the manufacturer, North American Aviation.

  • Mustang Mk I
    The first production contract was awarded by the British for 320 NA-73 fighters. A second British contract for 300 more Mustang Mk Is was assigned a model number of NA-83 by North American.
    Two aircraft of this lot delivered to the USAAF were designated XP-51.

In September 1940, 150 aircraft designated NA-91 by North American were ordered under the Lend/Lease program. These were designated by the USAAF as P-51 and initially named the Apache, although this name was dropped early-on for Mustang. The British designated this model as Mustang Mk IA. They were equipped with four long-barrelled 20 mm (.79 in) Hispano Mk II cannon instead of machine guns. A number of aircraft from this lot were fitted out by the USAAF as photo reconnaissance aircraft and designated F-6A. The British would fit a number of Mustang Mk I fighters with photographic reconnaissance equipment as well. Also, two aircraft of this lot were fitted with the Packard-built Merlin engine and were designated by North American as model NA-101 and by the USAAF initially as the XP-78, but quickly re-designated to XP-51B.
In early 1942, the USAAF ordered a lot of 500 aircraft modified as dive bombers that were designated A-36A. North American assigned the aircraft the model number NA-97. Model ini menjadi USAAF Mustang pertama untuk melihat pertempuran. One aircraft was passed to the British, who gave it the name Mustang Mk I (Dive Bomber).
Following the A-36A order, the USAAF ordered 310 model NA-99 fighters that were designated P-51A by the USAAF and Mustang Mk II by the RAF. A number of this lot of aircraft were equipped with K-24 cameras and designated F-6B. All these models of the Mustang were equipped with Allison V-1710 engines except the prototype XP-51B.
Avp51 2 2.png
Beginning with the model NA-102 Mustang, the Packard V-1650 replaced the Allison. In the summer of 1943, Mustang production was begun at a new plant in Dallas, Texas, as well as at the existing facility in Inglewood, California. The model NA-102 was produced as the P-51B in Inglewood, while the NA-103 as the P-51C was produced at Dallas. The RAF named these models Mustang Mk III. Again, a number of the P-51B and P-51C aircraft were fitted for photo Reconnaissance and designated F-6C.
The prototypes of the bubble canopy change were designated model NA-106 by North American and P-51D by the USAAF. The production version, while retaining the P-51D designation, was assigned model number NA-109 by North American. The P-51D became the most widely produced variant of the Mustang. A variation of the P-51D equipped with an Aeroproducts propeller in place of the Hamilton Standard propeller was designated the P-51K. The photo versions of the P-51D and P-51K were designated F-6D and F-6K respectively. The RAF assigned the name Mustang Mk IV to the P-51D model and Mustang Mk IVA to P-51K models.

P-51B in flight showing wing planform
As the USAAF specifications required airframe design to a higher load factor than that used by the British for their fighters, consideration was given to re-designing the Mustang to the lower British requirements in order to reduce the weight of the aircraft and thus improve performance. In 1943, North American submitted a proposal to do the re-design as model NA-105, which was accepted by the USAAF. The designation XP-51F was assigned for prototypes powered with V-1650 engines and XP-51G to those with reverse lend/lease Merlin 145M engines. Modifications included changes to the cowling, a simplified undercarriage with smaller wheels and disk brakes, and a larger canopy. A third prototype was added to the development that was powered by an Allison V-1710 engine. This aircraft was designated XP-51J. As the engine was insufficiently developed, the XP-51J was loaned to Allison for engine development. [ clarification needed ] A small number of XP-51Fs were passed to the British as the Mustang Mk V.
The final production Mustang, the P-51H, embodied the experience gained in the development of the lightweight XP-51F and XP-51G aircraft. This aircraft, model NA-126, and, with minor differences, NA-129, came too late to participate in World War II, but it brought the development of the Mustang to a peak and was one of the fastest production piston-engine fighters to see service. The P-51H used the Merlin V-1659-9 engine, equipped with Simmons automatic boost control and water injection , allowing War Emergency Power as high as 2,218 hp (1,654 kW). Some of the weight savings inherited from the XP-51F and XP-51G were invested in lengthening the fuselage and increasing the height of the tailfin, greatly reducing the tendency to yaw , and in restoring the fuselage fuel tank. The canopy was changed back to more nearly resemble the P-51D style, over a somewhat raised pilot's position. Service access to the guns and ammunition was improved. The P-51H was designed to complement the P-47N as the primary aircraft for the invasion of Japan , and 2,000 were ordered to be built at the Inglewood plant. With the solution to the problem of yaw control, the P-51H was now considered a suitable candidate for testing as an aircraft carrier -based fighter; but with the end of the war, the testing was cut short, and production was halted after 555 aircraft were built. Although some P-51Hs were issued to operational units, none saw combat. One aircraft was given to the RAF for testing and evaluation. Serial number 44-64192 was re-serialed as BuNo 09064 and used by the US Navy to test transonic airfoil designs, then returned to the Air National Guard in 1952. The P-51H was not used for combat in the Korean War despite its improved handling characteristics, due to the lack of experience with durability of the lighter airframe under combat conditions as well as limited numbers in the USAF inventory. [ 103 ]
With the cutback in production, the variants of the P-51H with different versions of the Merlin engine were produced in either limited numbers or terminated. These included the P-51L, similar to the P-51H but utilizing the 2,270 hp (1,690 kW) V-1650-11 engine, which was never built, and its Dallas-built version, the P-51M, or NA-124, which utilized the V-1650-9A engine lacking water injection and therefore rated for lower maximum power, of which one was built out of the original 1629 ordered, AAF Serial Number 45-11743 .

  • TF-51D
    Twin seat/dual control version of the F-51 with four versus six guns.

[ sunting ] Produksi

P-51D on runway
Source: US Military Aircraft Designations and Serials since 1909 [ 104 ]
  • NA.73X Prototype: One built
  • P-51: 150 built
  • P-51A: 310 built at Inglewood , California
  • P-51B: 1,988 built at Inglewood
  • P-51C: 1,750 built at Dallas , Texas
  • P-51D: A total of 8,156 were built: 6,502 at Inglewood, 1,454 at Dallas and 200 by CAC at Fisherman's Bend, Australia
  • XP-51F: Three built
  • XP-51G: Two built
  • P-51H: 555 built at Inglewood
  • XP-51J: Two built

P-51D being assembled, Inglewood, California. [ nb 14 ]
  • P-51K: 1,500 built
  • P-51L: None built - cancelled
  • P-51M: One built at Dallas
  • Mustang Mk I: 620 built
  • Mustang Mk III: 852 built
  • Mustang Mk IV: 281 built
  • Mustang Mk IVA: 595 built
Total number built : 16,766 (most numerous American fighter aircraft)

[ edit ] Scale replicas

The P-51 has been the subject of numerous scale flying replicas; aside from ever-popular R/C-controlled aircraft, several kitplane manufacturers offer ½, ⅔, and ¾-scale replicas capable of comfortably seating one (or even two) and offering high performance combined with more forgiving flight characteristics. Such aircraft include the Titan T-51 Mustang , WAR P-51 Mustang , Linn Mini Mustang , Jurca Mustang , Thunder Mustang , and Loehle 5151 Mustang .

[ sunting ] Korban

Among the 287 current airframes and the 154 "flying" Mustangs are the following: [ 105 ]
  • XP-51 41-038 Original prototype on display, Oshkosh
  • P-51A-1NA Mustang in storage for restoration, Kermit Weeks, Fantasy of Flight , Polk City, Florida
  • P-51A-10-NA Mustang now flying and marked as Miss Virginia , Planes of Fame , Chino, California [ 106 ]
  • A-36 Mustang, Planes of Fame , Chino, California
  • P-51C-10-NT Mustang flying as Ina the Macon Belle of Lt. Lee Archer, the only five-victory ace of the Tuskegee Airmen 332nd FG, 302nd FS. Kermit Weeks, Tamiami, Florida

    Ina The Macon Belle taxiing at Fantasy of Flight in Polk City Florida.
  • P-51D (s/n 44-74936 ) is on display at the National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio . It was the last P-51 in USAF service as well as the last USAF propeller-driven fighter in operation. It was obtained from the West Virginia Air National Guard in January 1957. It is painted as the P-51D flown by Col CL Sluder, commander of the 325th Fighter Group in Italy in 1944. The name of this aircraft, Shimmy IV , comes from the names of his daughter, Sharon, and his wife, Zimmy. [ 107 ]
  • P-51D Mustang, Olympic Flight Museum, Olympia, Washington. In flying condition.
  • P-51D Mustang, Indiana Aviation Museum, Valparaiso, Indiana. In flying condition, served with the North Dakota, Alabama, and Kentucky Air National Guards.
  • P-51 Mustang (Mk IV), Vintage Wings of Canada, Gatineau, Quebec.
  • P-51D Mustang, N167F, Scandinavia Historic Flight, painted as Old Crow , the aircraft of one of the 8th AF aces, Col. Clarence E. "Bud" Anderson of the 357th Fighter Group , 363rd Fighter Squadron. [ 108 ]
  • P-51D Mustang, SE-BIL, It's About Time , based in Sweden. [ 109 ]
  • P-51D Mustang (P-51D-20-NA), Cavanaugh Flight Museum , Addison, Texas. The aircraft is in flying condition.
  • P-51D Mustang, Spam Can , Planes of Fame, Chino, California
  • P-51D Mustang, Wee Willy II , Planes of Fame, Chino, California

    Ole Yeller , flown by John Bagley at an airshow in Rexburg, Idaho
  • P-51D Mustang marked as under restoration, Planes of Fame, Chino, California
  • P-51H Mustang 44-64415 Flying, Whittington Bros, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
  • P-51D Old Yeller , formerly owned by Bob Hoover . In flying condition. Currently owned by John Bagley of Rexburg, Idaho , and displayed at the Legacy Flight Museum. [ 110 ]
  • CA-17 Mk 20 A68-1 , N51WB, 44-74960 / A68-1001 Jeannie Too , flying, Wiley Sanders, Troy, Alabama. [ 111 ] [ 112 ]
  • CA-18 Mk 21 A68-104 , VH-BOB, suffered wheels-up landing April 2008, under repair as of November 2009, Bob Eastgate, Australia. [ 113 ]
  • CA-18 Mk 22 A68-192 , G-HAEC, 44-72218 Big Beautiful Doll , flying, Robert W Davies, Duxford UK. [ 111 ] [ 114 ]
  • P-51D Mustang, G-BTCD Ser. No. 44-73419 , painted to resemble 44-13704 , Ferocious Frankie , operated by the Old Flying Machine Company, Imperial War Museum Duxford , Cambridgeshire, UK. [ 115 ] [ 116 ]
  • P-51D Mustang, G-SIJJ, 44-72035 - painted to resemble 44-64076 Jumpin Jacques , operated by the Hangar 11 Collection, North Weald, UK. [ 117 ]
  • P-51 Mustang of the Philippine Air Force, painted in original markings with "shark mouth", on display at the Air Force Museum, Villamor Air Base, Pasay City, Philippines
  • P-51D Mustang Never Miss at the Salem Airport in Salem, Oregon. Flying condition.
  • P-51D Mustang Big Beautiful Doll tail number 472218 , indoor suspended display at Imperial War Museum , London, UK.

    Betty Jane sits on the apron at Page Field
  • P-51D Mustang N51DH at Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum , McMinnville, Oregon. Flying condition.
  • P-51D Mustang Old Crow N451MG at Columbus, Ohio . Formerly owned by Jack Roush . Flying condition.
  • P-51D Mustang Crusader N51JT at Centennial Airport in Centennial, Colorado. Joe Thibodeau owner and pilot. Flying condition.
  • P-51C Mustang Betty Jane NL25IMX involved in the Colling Foundation's Wings of Freedom tour. Flying condition.
  • P-51D-30NA Mustang " Miss America " (USAAF 44-74536) Flying condition based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, flown each year in the Reno Air Races by Dr. Brent Hisey. The extensive race modifications include: 32 feet (clipped) wingspan, empty weight of 7.000 lbs and a max take off weight of 9,600 lbs. Engine is a highly modified Packard Merlin V-1650. Performance include 50 gph in normal cruise and 150 gph during takeoff, cruise Speed: 245 knots, racing speed: 436+ mph and range: 750 nautical miles. [ 118 ]
  • P-51D Mustang Mustang Sally , N72FT, 44-74494 , tail number 411661 - Private ownership in South Africa. Flying condition.
Korea Selatan

[ sunting ] Spesifikasi

[ edit ] P-51D Mustang

Orthographically projected diagram of the P-51D Mustang
Data from Erection and Maintenance Manual for P-51D and P-51K. [ 119 ] The Great Book of Fighters, [ 120 ] and Quest for Performance [ 121 ]
Karakteristik umum
  • 0.50 caliber (12.7mm) M2 Browning machine guns with 1,880 total rounds (400 rounds for each on the inner pair, and 270 rounds for each of the outer two pair)
  • 2× hardpoints for up to 2,000 lb (907 kg) of bombs
  • 6 or 10× T64 5.0 in (127 mm) HVAR rockets (P-51D-25, P-51K-10 on) [ nb 15 ]

[ edit ] P-51H Mustang

Data from The Great Book of Fighters [ 120 ]
Karakteristik umum
  • 0.50 inch (12.7mm) M2 Browning machine guns with 1,880 total rounds (400 rounds for each on the inner pair, and 270 rounds for each of the outer two pair), or 4 of the same guns with 1,600 total rounds (400 rpg)

[ sunting ] Penampilan Terkemuka di media

The restored P-51C Mustang associated with the Tuskegee Airmen now flown by Red Tail Project as described in Red Tail Reborn
  • Battle Hymn (1956) is based on the real-life experiences of Lt Col Dean E. Hess , USAF (played by Rock Hudson ) and his cadre of US Air Force instructors in the early days of the Korean War, training the pilots of the Republic of Korea Air Force and leading them in their baptism of fire in F-51D/F-51Ks.
  • The Lady Takes a Flyer (1958) features a P-51D prominently in the final sequence, when Lana Turner (as Maggie Colby) crashes dramatically at the end of a perilous ferry flight to England.
  • The Tuskegee Airmen (1995), the story of how a group of African-American pilots overcame racist opposition to become one of the finest US fighter groups in World War II, flying P-51s, although the 99th Squadron would have used P-40 and P-39 during their North African stint. [ 125 ]
  • Red Tail Reborn (2007), the story behind the restoration of a flying memorial plane.
  • P-51s have been prominently featured in important scenes from two of director Steven Spielberg 's World War II era-films: Empire of the Sun (1987) and Saving Private Ryan (1998). [ 126 ]

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